művészeti projektek/tactical media

Sissi Quartier

köztéri installáció, Bajusz Orsolya ötlete és koncepciója alapján Bogyó Virággal, Patakfalvi Czirják Ágnessel, Lendeczki Kingával

With their project “Sissi Quartier” in the “MQ ART BOX” in the MQ Main Courtyard, Budapest-based art collective Polygon Creative Empire explores how economics and culture are intertwined and how space is constructed through social interaction. The region lying between the cities of Vienna, Bratislava, and Győr is known as the Golden Triangle, yet the area has never been fully integrated as a single region. “Sissi Quartier” is a fictitious property investment plan, a playful attempt to create a “region” that, while meeting the requirements of capital through its infrastructure and economic potential, makes no meaningful connection whatsoever to either the local population or the local context.



archivált, cenzúrázatlan verzió/archived, uncensored version

Az Abortourism Utazási Iroda taktikus média használattal operáló projekt. Egy üzleti vállalkozás megjelenését sajátítja ki, hogy az abortuszról, és tágabb értelemben a reproduktív jogokról beszéljen. Az érvelésünk alapját az európai államok reproduktív jogi szabályozásainak összehasonlítása adja: az a tény, hogy az egyes államok nemzetpolitikájuk kénye-kedve szerint korlátozzák az állampolgáraikat abban, hogy létező technológiák (lásd gyógyszeres abortusz) közül választhassanak, vagy hogy dönthessenek afelől, mikor és mi történik a testükkel.

“an anonymous group of women came up with the idea for a resource for Hungarian women to show them what options they have, particularly in nearby countries, should they need to travel to access an abortion or other reproductive healthcare. But part of Hungary’s abortion law states that “it is forbidden by any means to encourage or promote abortion.”

Not wanting to break the law by somehow “promoting” abortion (this is part of the reason for their anonymity), the group created a fake website instead. It just happens to have actual, well-sourced information on it.” VICE

jogi tanulmány


For the first instalment of Processing Progress, we held a series of focus groups; in which we presented a number of processes that underlie the production, circulation, distribution, transportation and consumption of everyday products, for feedback and discussion. We asked questions in order to provoke a release of affects and sensations that respond to, or are embedded within, these synchronized movements of goods, funds and information that surround us and the bureaucracies that control such movements.

with Laura Yuile

Art methodologies and the tightrope walk between self-cultivation, self-regulation, and violating one’s self.

“The first exercise takes place at LIMBO, a fledgeling arts facility, (Unit 5, 7-17 Latona Road, SE15 6RX, London), from 3 – 4.30pm. This is a teambuilding game to prepare for the second exercise, the ‘self-help circle’. The playground will facilitate enactments of our newly re-formulated subject hoods.  This will be a self-help circle in which to share problems with temporality (“I am not made for my time”), with or without re-enacing the carefully cultivated PR-personas. New clothes and optimal environmental circumstances will be provided. Those allergic to eggs, or harbouring health & safety-based anxieties need not apply.

Whether one decides to pursue success in either logistics or violence (or through whichever terms one conceives of any structuring logic) eventually beliefs, roles and customs have to become one with the pursuer.

Sliding into a pool of eggs, and with portable hairdryers turning ourselves into an omelette!

other works/további munkák